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Revealing Effects


React Awesome Reveal provides a rich set of pre-built animation components inspired by Animate.css. These components automatically animate their children when they enter the viewport, creating engaging scroll experiences with minimal code.

Available Effects

Choose from these powerful animation components:

EffectDescriptionBest Used For
FadeSmooth opacity transitionText, images, cards
SlideSlides in from a directionLists, navigation items
BounceBouncy entrance animationCall-to-action buttons
Flip3D flip animationCards, reveals
RotateRotation entranceIcons, badges
ZoomScale transitionModal windows, highlights
RollRolling entrancePlayful elements
JackInTheBoxPop-out animationAttention-grabbing elements
HingeSwinging fall animationExit animations

Basic Usage

Wrap your content with any effect component:

import { Slide } from "react-awesome-reveal";
function Features() {
return (
<h2>Our Features</h2>
{/* Items slide in one after another */}
<Slide direction="up" cascade triggerOnce>
<div className="feature">πŸš€ Performance</div>
<div className="feature">πŸ’‘ Simplicity</div>
<div className="feature">🎨 Customization</div>

Customization Options

Fine-tune your animations with these props:

Direction Control

// Choose animation direction
<Slide direction="left" /> // Slide from left
<Slide direction="right" /> // Slide from right
<Slide direction="up" /> // Slide from bottom
<Slide direction="down" /> // Slide from top

Timing and Triggers

delay={200} // Wait before starting
duration={1000} // Animation duration
fraction={0.5} // Trigger when 50% visible
triggerOnce // Animate only once

Cascade Effects

The cascade prop animates children one after another, with a delay between each item. Use damping to control the delay:

<Fade cascade damping={0.2}>
<div>First item (no delay)</div>
<div>Second item (0.2s delay)</div>
<div>Third item (0.4s delay)</div>

Animation Props Reference

All animation components accept these common props:

direction"up" | "down" | "left" | "right"VariesAnimation direction
delaynumber0Delay before animation (ms)
durationnumber1000Animation duration (ms)
fractionnumber0Viewport fraction to trigger
triggerOncebooleanfalseAnimate only once
cascadebooleanfalseCascade to children
dampingnumber0.5Delay between cascaded items

Best Practices

  1. Performance: Use triggerOnce for elements that don’t need to re-animate
  2. Mobile: Keep animations subtle on mobile devices
  3. Accessibility: Ensure animations respect user preferences with prefers-reduced-motion
  4. Timing: Use appropriate delays and durations for your content type


Here are some common use cases:

Hero Section

<Fade duration={1500}>
<h1>Welcome to Our Site</h1>
<Fade delay={500} cascade damping={0.3}>
<p>Discover amazing features</p>
<button>Get Started</button>

Feature List

<Slide direction="up" cascade damping={0.2} triggerOnce>
{ => (
<div key={} className="feature-card">